Bring a Fresh Approach to Being More Relatable

Here's the perfect campaign to show you how to do it.

This week, YOU, , are joining 1000+ people who’ll get this 81st edition in their inbox today.

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1 Copywriting Tip

2 Examples

3 Tactics on how to use it for your business.

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1 Copywriting Tip

Tip: Bring a Fresh Approach to Being Relatable

Today, I'm not gonna talk about multiple ads or tactics.

I'm just gonna focus on one campaign from Match(.)com.

And how they used relatable yet unexpected one-liners to drive their point home.

A bit more about the campaign: Match(.)com is a dating app but they wanted to make commitment cool.

They wanted to get away from the idea of dating for hook-ups. And promote the committed singles that are looking to marry.

The campaign celebrates the often overlooked sexiness and cool side of commitment.

How? Through the series of quotes promoting a long-term relationship.

And you know what? I love it when such simple copy does the job.

Because there are no overhyped tactics involved. It's literally just the magic and twist of words.

Reminder: If you find a way to make the uncool cool, you'll attract an audience who always thought the same way your copy did.

When others zig, you zag.


Let me show you some examples.

2 Examples

1. Match(.)com

I love how the start of this line sounds like something sexy and ends on something so wholesome.

The entire campaign copy runs like this and it genuinely makes commitment sound cool.

That's the thing. Making it relatable, cool and new isn't done by tactics but merely a twist of words.

2. Match(.)com

This one continues on the same path.

Sexy start + wholesome twist = 100% message communication

The writing approach is misdirection and it works like a charm.

3 Tactics for You

1. Use Contextual Phrases

The kind of phrases you see on the Match(.)com ads sound relatable because you already associate them with the context.

Context of hook-ups + twist of wholesome commitment = Great twist!

2. Include Pop Culture References

One of the simplest ways to become more relatable is to tap into pop culture. And then give it your unique twist to stand out.

For Match(.)com, hooking up is the only form of dating being done on these apps is a pop culture myth they're trying to break.

3. Make It Visual

Even though these were simple one-liners, they were imaginative and descriptive making you feel like you're in the scene.

That's a great way to make your audience feel seen, engaged and encouraged.

Well, that’s all I have for you today🤝

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