How to Make People Feel Better with Words?

Pride purchase copy does it. Here's what I mean...

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2 Examples

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1 Copywriting Tip

Tip: Use Pride to Sell

Before I start, let me tell you something.

If you're a copywriter or a marketer, one book that you should absolutely read is Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman.

It was the first book I ever read and I still think it's the best one.

Why? It introduced me to the concept of life forces.

See, Whitman pointed out life forces which he believed were the motivators to get people to buy.

These motivators were rooted in psychology and divided between primary and secondary.

While primary ones were basic like food, safety or survival...

It was the secondary ones that dig deeper into the human psyche.

And pride is one of my favourite (secondary) ones because it hits home.

Very often, people buy because they want to satisfy their ego and status.

Not only do they want to feel better about themselves...

But also want to get recognition from others.

Luxury brands have nailed this really well but somehow I think pride buying is not just limited to luxury brands.

I, myself, am one of the great examples of pride buying.

If you don't already know, I love sneakers. 

I have more than 10 pairs and every time I buy a new one, the kid in me feels just as excited.

Why? Because it helps me feel better about myself as a sneakerhead.

For too long, I've called myself a sneakerhead because I was interested in shoes but I feel proud of myself for finally being able to afford them.

I like flexing my sneaker game every once in a while...

But not to everybody. 

Maybe to some people in the sneaker and street culture scene (to friends and at occasional events) so I can keep a certain status in this community...

But for the most part it is quite personal.

Because I think, pride, inherently, is personal.

And that's why it sells so well.

I like wearing sneakers to look good but 99% of why I wear them is to feel good about myself because every time I buy one, it's like fulfilling a childhood dream.

Like a baby Kush is staring at me from my shoulder shouting, "good job!"

Now let's look at some brilliant examples…

2 Examples

1. Porsche

I love how this line turns a car purchase into a dream purchase.

Pride not only feels personal but also changes the positioning of the product.

This ad isn't about the car anymore. It's about fulfilling your youth's dream.

That's how pride sells.

2. Chivas Regal

I know this is pretty direct but it's such a great line.

Directly attacking pride, ego, status and the quality of the product in just a few words.

I fucking love copywriting!

3 Tactics for You

1. Position with Speciality

Like Porsche turned their car into a dream purchase, think how you can do the same.

If you turn your product, the problem or the solution into an aspiration, it's likely to sell more because people want to feel that pride of accomplishment.

2. Sell a Legacy

Hype up the tradition, craftsmanship, or history behind your product, appealing to the consumer’s pride in being part of something timeless.

Luxury brands do this well. Check out Rolls Royce and Patek Phillippe ad examples.

3. Highlight Exclusivity

The harder it is to get, the easier it will be to link it to a pride purchase.

Well, that’s all I have for you today 🤝

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