How to Fight AI as a Writer

This is a long one so buckle up 🎢

This week, YOU, , are joining 1000+ people who’ll get this 90th edition in their inbox today.

It’s called the 1-2-3 copywriting newsletter, where every week you’ll get:

1 Copywriting Tip

2 Examples

3 Tactics on how to use it for your business.

Best part? You’ll get all the good stuff by investing less than 5 minutes weekly.

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1 Copywriting Tip

Tip: Position Against Technology

People chase new, fresh and novel experiences. That's a basic human need and a huge psychological trigger in copywriting.

The next big thing is a concept that's used to sell pretty much everything around you. And what is this NEW mostly driven by? Tech.

When I mean tech, I mean:

→High-tech gadgets replacing analogue ones

→Brands selling online instead of retail stores

→AI taking over a big chunk of majority jobs

You, anything that has tech added to it becomes a "revolutionary new" thing...

But what if there was another way to look at it too?

I mean, I get it. Yes, old industry + tech = New idea

But c'mon, we're living in 2024 and have been pretty accustomed to tech today, right?

So here's the antidote: Position against technology.

Now mind you, I'm not saying make tech your enemy. 

Because that's bad taste.

The world we're living in today is 80% guided by tech and 20% by everything else so saying tech is bad but we're good is well, not good.

But if you can say that, "tech might be good but we have an old world charm", it's easier to ignite emotions.

And if you don't already know—emotion sells first, product sells second.

Let me explain with a story about an exceptional ad campaign...

In Aug 2023, Nikon Peru released an exceptional campaign targeting the recently popular AI image generators.

People were going mad about how these tools can generate any sort of visuals with a simple text-based prompt.

Nikon's campaign titled "Natural Intelligence" took a shot at them by showing that nothing can ever replace the real beauty of nature.

To do this, they presented some of the best scenic landscape pictures captured by pro Nikon users.

But here's what's special: They chose to present this in a format quite similar to an AI image generator.

They gave each image a prompt that resembled something that an AI image generation tool would require...

Except, all the images in their frames were 100% real.

They featured the names of the photographers, their camera and the location at which the shot was taken.

The campaign not only positions real photography as a worthy AI competitor but also makes us appreciate nature more.

In the end, it's not about AI v/s Humans. It is AI & Humans.

Because while AI can produce stellar images from pure imagination...

It is humans who capture the marvels of the planet with their artistic skill, dedication and perseverance.

The campaign acts as a reminder to not just create images for amusement...

But to also appreciate and capture moments that celebrate the natural beauty of your planet.

Now let me show you the beautiful ad examples from the campaign...

P.S. If tech is the new normal, position against tech is a novel idea, isn't it? Well, now you know why this works...

2 Examples

1. Nikon

The prompt is the real copy finesse here. I mean a latte skatepark really had me!

But also see how simple this ad creative is.

I’m not just gonna say this is just well-written but also well-presented and well-thought of and that’s what truly makes a good ad, better.

2. Nikon

The fact that these are 100% real images captured on location by Nikon pro photographers adds so much authenticity to this ad creative.

The prompt copy is still stellar because of being so imaginative and vivid.

Also, that tagline on the right, “Don’t Give Up on the Real World” hits home.

3 Tactics for You

1. Knowing the Origins Help

If you’re positioning against tech, reveal more of the human thing. 

Like in this campaign, telling the actual location and photographer’s name adds to the charm of authenticity.

2. Use Juxtaposition

Compare and contrast two dissimilar yet similar things to help make your idea more memorable and easily understandable.

In this campaign, the idea of an AI image generator prompt married to an actual, 100% real image did the job of juxtaposition.

3. Choose Intense Emotions

Generating photos with a text prompt invites creativity and convenience which are great emotions to activate. 

But real photography invites the emotion to explore the real world and traveling to make memories which feels intense(r) somehow.

Think of how Air Jordan was marketed by the messaging that you could fly with it.

Well, that’s all I have for you today 🤝

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