I watched Inside Out 2 this week and here's what I learned

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1 Copywriting Tip

Tip: Use the Power of Disgust

On Saturday I went for a movie with my mom. It was the sequel to one of my favourite movies ever. Inside Out.

The entire movie is about how emotions guide our behavior and it is shown in a fantastic way.

The sassiest emotion, to me, was disgust. She had a different aura and was intelligent enough to know how and what to avoid.

And then I thought and overthought and had a valuable insight: Disgust is important for decision-making while buying products too.

It tells us what to avoid and that, in-turn, guides us on what to go for.

Here are 3 ways to use disgust in your messaging:

1. Highlight negative consequences. Use disgust to paint a mental picture.

2. Focus on the removal or prevention of that disgust

3. Contrast it with clean/positive imagery

Whether you want an immediate reaction, memorability or want to build up a dramatic contrast, disgust is an emotion you'd want to target.

Now let's look at some great examples...

2 Examples

1. Surfrider

There's no doubt that the visual here does 90% of the job.

But I really like that ocean line too.

Because it puts things into perspective in an imaginarily disgusting way.

2. Dettol

This ad emphasizes the disgusting feeling of holding a stranger's dirty hand. 

I like how it focuses on a problem-solution approach and yet it starts with disgust via the visual.

Yet again, the imagery is disgusting but the copy puts things into perspective.

3 Tactics for You

1. Sensory Details

Vividly describe the smell, texture, or appearance of a disgusting situation to engage the audience's senses.

And make them feel the need for your solution.

Visuals are best for this but the right words can also make a world of a difference.

2. Shocking Statistics

Any fact or figure that delivers instant shock value in a negative way can be a great way to induce the feeling of disgust.

Not only will it leave them surprised but they'd be compelled to reverse the feeling of disgust.

3. Highlight Negative Consequences

Present the neglecting outcome of a disgusting problem. Specify the severity and let your reader feel guilty of not taking action.

Well, that’s all I have for you today 🤝

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