Being Over Dramatic Isn't Always So Bad

Ask the Kardashians.

This week, YOU, , are joining 1000+ people who’ll get this 83rd edition in their inbox today.

It’s called the 1-2-3 copywriting newsletter, where every week you’ll get:

1 Copywriting Tip

2 Examples

3 Tactics on how to use it for your business.

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Have you ever seen such a win-win situation? Me neither.

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1 Copywriting Tip

Tip: Exaggerate the Problem

If you've been in marketing, advertising or copywriting for a while, you might be bored of hearing the same thing over and over again...

Focus on your customer's problem.

Is that bad or overrated advice? Absolutely not.

But does it work immediately after you implement it? Also, nope.

Why? Well there could be many reasons related to messaging and presentation but I'd say one would be urgency.

When I say urgency, I don't mean that the marketers did not say "limited stocks left" or "Hurry up, act now" and that’s why they couldn’t sell. Nope.

That's vague.

The real urgency is to make people realize how painful their problem is. You do that by agitating the pain.

But how do you agitate it? You exaggerate it to the worst case scenario.


Negativity gets attention and what gets attention sells.

Let me dive deeper with some great examples...

2 Examples

1. Iceland Drink & Drive

This ad strikes you in the heart from the first glance.

It literally presents bad to worst case scenarios related to drunk driving.

The copy is minimal but the visual is impactful.

See how the ad did not talk about an accident but directly about the after effects of the accident.

2. Harrison’s Fund

This headline is so absurd. Read the full ad to understand how beautifully it justifies the headline.

It’ll break your heart but not until you read it in its entirety.

This is how you grab attention with the worst case scenario.

3 Tactics for You

1. Shocking Stats

If you can gather some surreal stats about your product, brand or industry, you might be able to deliver a shock value.

The more negative it is, the better.

If you might not need to exaggerate if the data is weird enough. 

2. Amplified Reviews

Search for reviews where customers have said something totally absurd. 

Either use them as it is or draw inspiration to craft a worst-case scenario.

3. Dramatic Visuals

Exaggeration is not just a matter of words but also a matter of extreme visuals. Say your laptop heats too much, don't show the warning signs.

Show how it's actually on fire.

Take an idea. Then 10X it.

Well, that’s all I have for you today 🤝

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